Tuesday, 31 July 2007

Week 3

I think the key points to remember from this weeks required readings are:

- agenda setting indicates that, although the news media do not tell you what to think, they do strongly influence what you think about.
- that there are various theories involved with Public Relations. Many companies use all these theories of public relations depending on the circumstances involved.
- The fact that public relations theory is at a crossroads and needs more practical studies and frameworks to help in the application of public relations is a very interesting point
- Good PR needs public interest and acceptance
- PR is a difficult, contested and controversial area of study
- Globalisation is strongly combined with the work of a PR practitioner

The reading let me think of powerful organisations, which influence the way we think. Is it like a 'Big Brother', who decides what happens next? In fact of this it is important that we are able to understand the theorys. The difference between them help us to become clearer about the kinds of PR practices.

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