Wednesday, 29 August 2007

Commenting on Alice Harrison's blog

here is her blog...

Week 7

I think the key points to remember from this week's reading were:

- media relations is one of the best-known elements of PR
- the term media relations is often used synonymously with publicity
- cross-media ownership means the ownership of different mediums in the one location by the same company
- convergence in media platforms has the benefit of enabling them to reach wider and more varied audiences with the same message
- in mainstream media, greater concentration menas fewer major outlets
- Clippings files can be important for research
- new values: impact, conflict, timeliness, proximity, prominence, currency, human interest, unusual, money
- media outlets run to strict and inflexible deadlines and these vary with the type of medium, the complexity, location and regularity of production
- because of the flexible deadline, radio is an important news outlet for breaking news stories
- practitioners have to be familiar with all styles and deadlines and work well within them. This could result in: 1) assist the media as information providers, 2) maximise the chances of gaining exposure for their organisation
- two things are important in knowing the newsroom: 1) understand the personnel make-up of a newsroom, 2) know the names and roles of the journalist within the newsroom
- most newsrooms are characterised by a basic hierarchy
- getting to know the media is also a useful starting point in keeping negative publicity to a minimum
- practitioners should always consider the mediums's particular needs
- the primary purpose of media selection is getting a message to a specific audience
- selecting the best media for the message is extremly important, therefore practitioners must know precisely who they want to hget their message across to
- communication tools: media release, media kit and media conferences
- media release has to be well written, the content should be newsworthy and that it reach the right media person at the right time
- media conferences: it is important to know why they are held, when and where to hold them and finally who to invite

The readings made me think more about PR theory/practice in that:

media relations is an absolutely essential element of PR. As a practitioner it is necessary to know the newsrooms. This can help in future crisis management.

Wednesday, 22 August 2007

Tuesday, 21 August 2007

Week 6

I think the key points to remember from this week's reading were:

- PR practitioners need to take an active role in developing strategies to minimise the legal risks
- therefore they need basis knowledge on several bodies of law
- the tort of defamation aims to protect a person's reputation

- to bring an action in defamation a person must show that:
> the material was published
> they were identified in the publication
> the publication was defamatory

- there are three tests for defamation:
> the publication exposed the plaintiff to hatred, contempt or ridicule
> it lowered the plaintiff in the eyes of right-thinking memebers of the community
> it caused the plaintiff to be shunned or avoided, without moral blame

- In deciding whether a publication is defamatory, the publisher's intention is irrelevant
- A publisher is anyone involved in the publication of material
- Ignorance of the law is no reason for breaking it
- a legal win can ot be equate to a PR win
- fair comment is designed to allow people to express opinions. The law recognises that a fair comment should not be prohibited, provided the comment is a comment and not an assertion of fact.
- Privilege protects a person from liability for the publication of defamatory material
- Before you start a legal action, you hae to analyze the effects
- Copyright is a set of exclusive rights and it PR has to be aware of it
- PR has to make sure that it won't lead to a violation of law
- Essential igredients of a contract: the offer, acceptance of that offer, considerations
- Ethics has to be the responsibility of all descision-makers and has to be part of mainstream management
- management systems need to institutionalise transparency and responsiveness
- ethical concepts are rapidly becoming more important

The readings made me think more about PR theory/practice in that:

- it has a lot to do with law. He has to respect other's copyrights and also secure his own
- Ethics has a huge role in PR strategies. In that fact it is also interesting what Turnbull says. He 'posits that the most successful organisations in the next decades will be those which build trust by aspiriing to authenticity and practisind transperency' (Johnston and Zawawi, 2004)

Monday, 13 August 2007

Week 5

Ch. 7 Johnston and Zawawi Strategy, Planning and Scheduling
Ch. 4 Tymson, Lazar and Lazar A Typical Public Relations Program

I think the key points to remember from this week’s readings were:

- The stages of the strategic process in public relations are:
> creation of organisational vision and mission statements
> creation of PR vision and mission statements
> establishment of performance indicators
> budgeting
> writing of a strategic public relations plan
> scheduling of public relations plan activities

- strategy is a series of planned activities designed and integrated to achieve a stated organisational goal
- strategy is not a series of campaign steps or tactics
- planing is a extremely important part of managing strategic public relations
- Key Performance Indicators (KPI) are financial and non-financial metrics used to quantify objectives to reflect strategic performance of an organization
- KPI´s need to be: Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Realistic, Timely
- Methods of Research: postal techniques, telephone interviewing, structured and unstructured personal interviews, group discussions, audits and panels, multiple client surveys, telecommunications, omnibus, media

- The ten-point structure of the strategic relations plan:
> excutive summary
> vision and mission
> background and situation analaysis (SWOT)
> define strategy
> define publics
> define main message
> select tactics and communication methods
> implementation and scheduling
> monitoring and evaluation
> budget

The readings made me think more about PR theory/practice in that...:

- how important it is to define publics and main messages as clearly as possible. I think this is the base for a successful PR-strategy.
- no plan can succeed without successful and efficient budgeting. Is it really all about the money?

Tuesday, 7 August 2007

Week 4

I think the key points to remember from this week's reading were:

- Two areas of PR practice that are highly valued by business leaders are:
  • internal public relations
  • community relations
--> these relations should be the first and second priority respectively in PR practice.

- a relatively simple employee relations issue could easily become a crisis of major proportions
- goodwill within the community is now being given top priority
- having employees as goodwill ambassadors of the company is a concept that has often been under-estimated
- a company has to respect its employees as 'thinking individuals'
- the principal factor in the success of the case studies in community relations is employee relations
- businesses must genuinely care for the people who make their business work
- Internal publics comprise two main groups: organisation´s employees, association´s members - If employees understand the company and their role in it, they are more likly to supoort organisation´s goals. Another way is to include them in the decision-making process.
- face-to-face communication is the best way of communicating with employees
- employees want to get their information from their immediate supervisor

The readings made me think more about...:

the power employees have. 'One unhappy employee has the potential to damage a company´s polished image in the community' [p.288]. I think this is the most impressive sentence in this reading. I think many companys should realise that, ´cause it´s a huge danger. Otherwise ... but if you have 2000 employees or more, how you can control the fact that all employees are happy?
The 'Insider Info' Chapter was very interesting. It shows us some real facts and the life of PR practitioners. I never thought PR is so complex.